Sunday, December 23, 2012

Delhi Gang Rape - Real Culprits

Yesterday, being holiday for me, i spent a better part of time scanning through various news channels. As expected, they were all having same topic of discussion i.e. "The brutal Delhi Gang Rape" & the resulting protests across India & specially in Delhi.

With all the interviews taken by journalists of the people from various walks of life, on the road & in the studio, i was interested to see what the general opinion of everyone is about the people / reasons, responsible for such horrendous incident. At the end of the day, i was disappointed. We are a nation of people with very average level of thinking who cannot think beyond a particular threshold. The people here includes the general public, the netas & the so called leaders, the so called intellegentsia, the media & everyone.

Here is my take on fixing the responsibility for such sexual incidents like "Delhi Gang rape" case. The set of people responsible are film actresses like Kareena Kapoor, Mallika Sherawat, etc; Film producers & directors like Mahesh Bhatt, Ramgopal Verma etc; Media houses like Colors, Star etc; Censor Board, Ministry of information & broadcasting, etc. etc. Let me explain what i am trying to tell with a small story from the life of Chanakya.

Once Chanakya was walking through a jungle path / trail along-with his disciples. In a particular patch on the road there were lot of bushes with thorns. Chanakyas feet got hurt by one of the thorn. His disciple immediately came for help & also cut down the bushes around.Seeing this Chanakya laughed & asked him to give him a bottle  / jar of honey. Chanakya then emptied all the honey around those thorn bushes & moved forward. The amused disciple asked Chanakya the reason for such strange behavior  At this Chanakya replied that what remedy the disciple did was of a very short term immediate relief one. However the bushes with their roots still remain. Hence in a few months time, the same problem would again arise. However by pouring the honey, ants would now be attracted towards this bushes. They will not only eat the honey away but will also ensure permanent damage to the roots of the bushes. This will ensure death of such bushes & a permanent solution would be achieved.  Moral of the story is - identify the root of the problem & go for its permanent solutions.

 Hanging of the culprits, making laws more harsh for such cases, suspending police men, etc. are all good measures, but will still not hit the root of the problem. These incidents were aided by lax laws & low public fear, however the root is the falling moral & distorted mentality. Now from where do the corrupt mentality comes from ? Look around & see the kind of things we are exposed to. Vulgar movies, vulgar item songs (with vulgar dance movements & wordings), kind of exposing advertisements in TV commercials, kind of tiltillating news items & serials. Our mind are constantly looking & hearing such things. Go on internet & google search for some sexual contents. A sea of options would be offered at your finger tips.

Men are men & women are women.I understand , females would always like to dress well & look beautiful. Nothing wrong with it. Males are physically & psychologically programmed by nature to get attracted towards females. Now put excesses in all these. Females started getting more & more exposed in the environment around to which the males are exposed & then what do you expect out of them ?

We are a nation still of illiterates, poor people, huge income in-equality, living in shabby conditions etc. Plus we have a system of law & order which is more non-existent then existent.We see that the law are for the benefits of only rich & powerful. We see that the security establishment listens to only this 10% to 15% of the population & work tirelessly to only protect maybe just 1% of the population.

So a distorted mind (with all the vulgarity around) & aware of the limitations of law as mentioned above gets a free run.

Solution to lot of the problem of India (Molestation's, Corruptions, low self esteem, pride & nationality etc.) lies in increasing the moral fabric of our nation. What i see is that we are actually working exactly opposite to that. Our education system only teaches us how to get ahead of others, Our society in the garb of freedom & democracy argues in favour of showing all kind of vulgarities in the media, the media houses the actors & actresses work hard time to show all kind of things with the one & only motto of making more money. Our Netas & leaders, in any case dont have any capability of thinking anything other then making more & more corruptions.

However the sad part for me is that not even a single member of the common public are thinking the way, i feel is right. All want cosmetic, quick-fix solution. 

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