Sunday, December 23, 2012

Delhi Gang Rape - Real Culprits

Yesterday, being holiday for me, i spent a better part of time scanning through various news channels. As expected, they were all having same topic of discussion i.e. "The brutal Delhi Gang Rape" & the resulting protests across India & specially in Delhi.

With all the interviews taken by journalists of the people from various walks of life, on the road & in the studio, i was interested to see what the general opinion of everyone is about the people / reasons, responsible for such horrendous incident. At the end of the day, i was disappointed. We are a nation of people with very average level of thinking who cannot think beyond a particular threshold. The people here includes the general public, the netas & the so called leaders, the so called intellegentsia, the media & everyone.

Here is my take on fixing the responsibility for such sexual incidents like "Delhi Gang rape" case. The set of people responsible are film actresses like Kareena Kapoor, Mallika Sherawat, etc; Film producers & directors like Mahesh Bhatt, Ramgopal Verma etc; Media houses like Colors, Star etc; Censor Board, Ministry of information & broadcasting, etc. etc. Let me explain what i am trying to tell with a small story from the life of Chanakya.

Once Chanakya was walking through a jungle path / trail along-with his disciples. In a particular patch on the road there were lot of bushes with thorns. Chanakyas feet got hurt by one of the thorn. His disciple immediately came for help & also cut down the bushes around.Seeing this Chanakya laughed & asked him to give him a bottle  / jar of honey. Chanakya then emptied all the honey around those thorn bushes & moved forward. The amused disciple asked Chanakya the reason for such strange behavior  At this Chanakya replied that what remedy the disciple did was of a very short term immediate relief one. However the bushes with their roots still remain. Hence in a few months time, the same problem would again arise. However by pouring the honey, ants would now be attracted towards this bushes. They will not only eat the honey away but will also ensure permanent damage to the roots of the bushes. This will ensure death of such bushes & a permanent solution would be achieved.  Moral of the story is - identify the root of the problem & go for its permanent solutions.

 Hanging of the culprits, making laws more harsh for such cases, suspending police men, etc. are all good measures, but will still not hit the root of the problem. These incidents were aided by lax laws & low public fear, however the root is the falling moral & distorted mentality. Now from where do the corrupt mentality comes from ? Look around & see the kind of things we are exposed to. Vulgar movies, vulgar item songs (with vulgar dance movements & wordings), kind of exposing advertisements in TV commercials, kind of tiltillating news items & serials. Our mind are constantly looking & hearing such things. Go on internet & google search for some sexual contents. A sea of options would be offered at your finger tips.

Men are men & women are women.I understand , females would always like to dress well & look beautiful. Nothing wrong with it. Males are physically & psychologically programmed by nature to get attracted towards females. Now put excesses in all these. Females started getting more & more exposed in the environment around to which the males are exposed & then what do you expect out of them ?

We are a nation still of illiterates, poor people, huge income in-equality, living in shabby conditions etc. Plus we have a system of law & order which is more non-existent then existent.We see that the law are for the benefits of only rich & powerful. We see that the security establishment listens to only this 10% to 15% of the population & work tirelessly to only protect maybe just 1% of the population.

So a distorted mind (with all the vulgarity around) & aware of the limitations of law as mentioned above gets a free run.

Solution to lot of the problem of India (Molestation's, Corruptions, low self esteem, pride & nationality etc.) lies in increasing the moral fabric of our nation. What i see is that we are actually working exactly opposite to that. Our education system only teaches us how to get ahead of others, Our society in the garb of freedom & democracy argues in favour of showing all kind of vulgarities in the media, the media houses the actors & actresses work hard time to show all kind of things with the one & only motto of making more money. Our Netas & leaders, in any case dont have any capability of thinking anything other then making more & more corruptions.

However the sad part for me is that not even a single member of the common public are thinking the way, i feel is right. All want cosmetic, quick-fix solution. 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gender Quota - Where are the Women protesters ?

In further progression of the quota system in India, it has now been proposed to provide quota for womens in the parliament. No doubt arguments have already started to have further sub-quotas for SC / ST womens & so on. The issue that has surprised me this time is the whole hearted support from every women in the country in support of this quota. Well, you would say this is natural, but i have conflict with the double standard being displayed over here.

Everyone knows there are two powerful emotions in the country for & against the overall Quota system. In the past there were violent demonstrations as well against the quotas which were well participated by womens as well. I see no such second opinions from women, this time around. So does that means, that all female folks are in agreement of furtherence of Quota Raj, because it is beneficial to them ? If that is so, then it would also mean that all those womens who had protested in the past over Quotas were doing so only because they were on the wrong side. I mean they were not protesting on ideology, but only because they were from the group (higher castes / Brahmins) which will not get the Quota benefit.

This lack of ideology / conviction disturbs me. Either you are for quota or are against it. How can there be a middle path (at least not in the current form). I accept that in some parts & geography of our society, gender in-equality is rampant. But it is equally true that the same is showing a diminishing trend. With the spread of literacy & modern culture, the world is fast changing for womens. You now have womens in every field & their numbers are growing. This has been possible not because we have implemented quota, but becuase our society is changing & accepts merits instead of gender in its decisions. We need to encourage this merit system further& Gender quota (for that matter any quota system) is definitely not the way forward.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is Krishna Real

Recently there has been an article by Dr. Manish Pandit in lots of news paper, wherein he put forward his argument in support of the existence of Krishna & actual dating of the Mahabharata war. He has based his research on the basis of various astrological references that are found in the Mahabharata Epic. Going by those references the date arrived at is around 3067 BC for that epic war. This is a 5000 years old event & no doubt we dont find any other physical proof of that history other then the names of various places (like Hastinapur, Gandhar, Dwarka etc.) which from our current knowledge & continuing traditions know are there.

So the point is that when we talk of any thing which is separated from our current age by thousands of years, then the basis of verifying them should be your living & continuous traditions as against the physical proofs. By the same means, we can then establish that maybe Ramayan is also not a plain moral story, but a great collection of history which happenned thousands of years before even the Mahabharata happenned.

Let me briefly mention here about the concept of dimensions. Till about 100 years back, humans were only aware of 3 dimensions in universe which is length, breadth & height. I would say even till today 99% of us are only aware of this 3 dimensions in the universe. But let me tell you that the scientific world now readily accept the fourth dimension as well & that is the dimension of Time-Space. This came out after Einstein proposed his Special Theory of relativity & General theory of relativity. Over the decades, with numerous experiments done over by the scientists all over the world, the fourth dimension is now a very much accepted phenomenon. As you see, even time is one of the dimension. As we can move freely from one point to the other in the generally accepted 3 dimensions of the world, so too we can freely move in time (atleast theoretically this is found to be possible as per general theory of relativity). Maybe in future, the human race will be so developed so as to actually start moving in time & then maybe we would be actually able to verify all our historical facts without any bias. Till that time, we need to rely on our living traditions & take them as a proxy to this fourth Time-Space dimension & trust them on the facts as said by them about Ramayana, Mahabharata etc.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Varun Gandhis Speech - Few Questions

The alleged minority bashing speech by Varun Gandhi has provided lot of Masala to the TRP hungry news broadcasters. There is no denying to the fact that the language used by this young politician is not conducive to the current society in which we live. The question i would like to ask here is - whether his speech is deplorable only because it is against a minority? What if he would have used a threatening language against any of his co-religionist opponent? Well again my guess is that the media would have created some sort of hue & cry only if they could see in it a story of an higher caste politician bad mouthing a lower caste community. Though the tenacy would not have been as comparable as the one wherein a majority community leader saying something bad to a minority community. So in India a remark is not bad per se, but is bad depending upon against whom it has been made. Is is not partiality ? The politicians have been very successful in dividing the people of this nation on the lines of caste & religions & sadly this so called open eyed non partial media has been of great help to them in their cause.

Second question i would like to pose is whether we intelligent people are open to hear calling spade a spade. There is no denying the fact that scores of hindus have been killed in the recent past by some mis-guided muslim fundamentalists in the name of religion. Now if someone representing the victim side vents out his anger over this situation & warns those muslims who have harm them, then is it so wrong? Of what i have heard of his speech it says - "Jo haath hindus ki taraf badenge use hum kaat (cut) denge". Now where is he warning the whole muslim community as a whole. But of course he has a right to warn (on behalf of those victimised people he foresee representing in future) those bad elements in the muslim community who have made it their mission to wipe out all non-muslims from the face of the earth. I am sure even the peace loving muslim brothers would like to punish such people in their midst who brings bad name to their whole community. His second statement was about the foolishness of Gandhi philosophy of forwarding the other chin if some body slap us. Now what is wrong with it. Personally even i find this Gandhian philosophy utterly foolish in the kind of world where we live today. So i come back to my original question whether we have a gut to call spade a spade & whether we have tolerance to hear about our fault if we are on the wrong side. I dont think so.

But yes no body in the media can afford to let the golden opprtunity of raising their TRP's pass by & am surprised that even Varun Gandhi chose to reply in such a tamely politician manner that his speeches are doctored.

Note: I am all for a hindu muslim ekta & in no way support any statement given by Varun Gandhi with malicious intentions. But just wanted to bring out the way our media & politicians have been successful in doctoring our thinking process where there is no scope for any intelligent & objective debate on any topic unless & until it suits their objectives.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Is India Poor ?

Client confidentiality is one of the unique selling points of the Swiss banking system. But not when the world’s only superpower is in no mood to tolerate financial thievery. As per the International Herald Tribune, Switzerland provided the UBS bank account details of hundreds of clients to the US government in connection with tax evasion charges. UBS is Switzerland’s largest bank. It is expected that more bank accounts will be brought under review. In fact, a US court might expand it to 52,000 clients with assets of US$ 14.8 bn. We wonder if the Indian government would ever ask for such disclosures. As per April 2008 report by Mr. Naman Sood, the top 5 countries whose Nationals have the highest deposits in Swiss Accounts are - India - $1456 billion, Russia - $470 billion, UK - $390 billion, Ukraine - $100 billion & China - $96 billion. India with $1456 billion or $1.4 trillion has more money in Swiss banks than rest of the world COMBINED. It is one of the biggest loots witnessed by mankind. This amount is about 13 times larger than the country's foreign debt. If this surplus amount is invested in earning interest, the amount of interest will be more than the annual budget of the Central Government. So even if all the taxes are totally abolished, then also Central Government will be able to maintain the country, very comfortably. some finance experts and economists believe tax havens to be a conspiracy of the western world against the poor countries. By allowing the proliferation of tax havens in the twentieth century, the western world explicitly encourages the movement of scarce capital from the developing countries to the rich. In March 2005, the Tax Justice Network (TJN) published a research finding demonstrating that $11.5 trillion of personal wealth was held offshore by rich individuals across the globe. The findings estimated that a large proportion of this wealth was managed from some 70 tax havens. Further, augmenting these studies of TJN, Raymond Baker -- in his widely celebrated book titled Capitalism's Achilles Heel: Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free Market System -- estimates that at least $5 trillion have been shifted out of poorer countries to the West since the mid-1970s. It is further estimated by experts that one per cent of the world's population holds more than 57 per cent of total global wealth, routing it invariably through these tax havens.
As you would notice USA is nowhere in the list of top 5 nations having highest deposits in such secret accounts. However the Obama administration has earnestly started making enquiry in view of the dire economic situation in which the country finds itself now. But we the Indians, our political class (ruling & opposition) as well as our great pillars of justice the media & its several news channels are all silent on this subject. Will we ever get our Obama ?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

slumdog millionaire

Is it a glory or a shame for India ?

The world is going ga-ga over the film. However there is a growing minority of people not happy with this choice & i count myself with them. So many arguments have already been published for & against this that i really dont want to deal with it again. But today i heard a very unique reasoning from one of my colleague which begs your attention. Was Slum Dog really such a great film or there are some other motives behind its success ? Has it got anything to do with the recent 26/11 catastrophy of India ? As per my friend (i should inform here that he had predicted some kind of magnificient event happening in India after the 26/11 tragedy), Indian public which is always so much in its own dream world or good & bad were suddenly woken up from its sleep by the blood & booms of the Mumbai terrorist attacks. They suddenly became aware of the in-aptitude of our government & their activism resulted in the ouster of Indias home minister as well as Chief Minister & Home Minister of Maharashtra State. This was a shock to our political establishment. If the trend continues then it would became difficult to do the work in te way in which they are accustomed to. Remember, India is a country of a billion people, & if they are awake, there is no way they can be contained by anyone. Certainly the political class could never risk such a thing. Some thing need to be done urgently to divert their attention. What about a spectacular Cricket series win. That was achieved in Sri Lanks. Next big influencer is Cinema. So what about an Oscar. Well we have got multiples now because of this film. Next ?? another spectacular series win against New Zealand in New Zealand. I would like to put my bet on it. Sound promising in view of this theory. What do you think ?